Friday, July 29, 2011

The Culture of I

Nice article by CSM once again on the culture of "I".
How the Internet is diminishing our ability to think critically.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More on Anonymous

More on anonymous.
CSM is always fairly thorough and provides multiple views and lets you know if one is a minority view or not.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Anonymous and NewsCorp

Well, it appears NewsCorp may be finally getting it's comeuppance. Someone busted them for hacking various entities and paying off the police and potentially politicians in Britain. They may have well been doing the same thing here in the states and abroad. One executive has apparently killed himself as a result (or been killed).
Meanwhile, Anonymous, has hacked NewsCorp's emails and plans to release them. Today, the FBI arrests 14 people with supposed links to anonymous here in the states. Maybe some higher ups in this country are about to be implicated.;contentBody

One big benefit of the internet is it is bringing on transparency albeit people are still having to hack in order to make the world a better place.