Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Child Poverty Rates

"Nationally, 19.8 percent of schoolchildren qualify as poor – and one-third of all counties now have child poverty rates above that threshold."
"Unless the economy improves markedly, future data could be worse. Unless Congress acts, extended unemployment-insurance benefits will expire at the end of the year. So, too, will the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the child tax credit. These all aid low income families. Congress will also need to decide whether to extend the payroll tax cut, which gives about an extra $1,000 to each household."

The Republicans won't allow such tax credits to expire for the poor and middle class, right? They fight to protect the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so they will support extension of tax cuts for the poor and middle class, right?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Occupy Wall Street on College Campuses

Article on CSM about the spread of OWS to college campuses. Interesting walk-out at Harvard on one of professors who served in the Bush administration.

Also, the pepper spray incident at UC davis. Riot gear for peaceful protests? I realize there are homeless people inter mingling with the protestors and many of them have issues they are dealing with. Doubt there are many if any homeless protesting with the students on college campuses. What sort of balance should the authorities provide in this case? Operate at the point of the lowest common denominator?
That appears to be what they are doing. Hope they keep it up.

and another regarding the opposition to OWS. Welcome or unwelcome representatives of the one percent?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anonymous and Mexico's Zeta Cartel

One of Anonymous' members have supposedly been kidnapped by the Zeta Cartel and Anonymous is threatening to release information on all paid informants, police, government officials, etc, if their member is not released by Nov 5th. I think they should release the information regardless of what happens.