Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Anonymous on Police Shootings

Stop Lethal Force on Children

“Greetings World. We are Anonymous.
It has been brought to our attention that the lethal force of firearms by police is being used on our children in America. We will no longer stand for this. In longview, Texas, Kristiana Cognard, was shot and killed on January 22nd by police for pulling a knife and threatening officers.
We ask you, Longview police department, are you happy with the choice of actions taken by your officer? We ask you, what kind of people you hire as police officers that can’t take a knife from a small 17-year-old girl? We ask you, why are your officers carrying tazors if they will only reach for their guns first?
A firefighter will endanger their life and enter a burning building for the POSSIBILITY of saving a life, a lifeguard will risk drowning for the possibility to save a life. But a COP will kill you, OR even a 10 year old child, because you POSSIBLY could have caused them harm.
To the citizens of America, it looks as if police are trained to kill and not to serve and protect us. Police are trained to not trust anyone they approach, so why do you believe we should trust the police officers? In 2014, we watched as police killed children and it started a army of angry Americans. This teen girl’s death just put fuel on that fire, and also of Anonymous around the world.
This is only the beginning of what is to come from Anonymous. If we don’t protect the children no one will. We are Anonymous. We are legion. United as one. Divided by zero. Expect us.”

Monday, January 26, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thoughts on the Paris Attacks

Good article on impact of our wars and policies in regards to terrorism.
There will always be people who are persecuted and fringe elements who will respond to that persecution. When we wage wars expect the response to be even larger.
Reminds me of the movie Brazil, terrorist acts still occurring in future society as well as repression. As long as we are dealing with human beings making decisions don't expect things to be peaceful.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Cancer: Bad Luck?

Study says 2/3 reasons for getting cancer is bad luck.

2014 Movies

Favorite movies watched during 2014, not necessarily released in 2014.

Take Shelter
Come and See: Brutal war film from Russian perspective
The Great Budapest Hotel: Great fun
The Act of Killing: Documentary on the genocide in Indonesia during the 1960s
The Wind Rises: Hayao Miyaki's final anime film
Arthur Christmas (2011): Excellent English animated Christmas film
The Great Beauty: Italian film on art scene in Rome
Whisper of the Heart (1995): More anime from Studio Ghibli
Win Win (2011)

Frances Ha
Virunga: Documentary on Gorillas in Congo
All Is Lost
The Bridge (1959): German WWII film
9 (2009): Excellent animated sci-fi
Wings of Desire (1987)
The Lego Movie
Days of Being Wild (1990)