Friday, April 20, 2018

False Flags

Recent false flag chemical attacks being used as justification for war by politicians and the MSM.
Appears someone from Russia mafia may have tried to poison an ex-Russian in Britain and the Syrian opposition and the White Helmets were trying to pass off dust inhalation as a chemical attack.

and coup organizers in Ukraine trying to join NATO which could lead the the final global chemical attack and destruction of life on Earth.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Fountain of Youth: Longevity

Radio Lab had very interesting stories on keys to extending life.
Take for instance, a rat has 3 year life span while a squirrel has a 30 year life span.
Why? Gene differences.
By crippling particular gene(s) in worms and enhancing the ability of helper genes one scientist was able to extend the life of particular worms from 4 day to 8 days and then to 24 days.
Does that mean humans could possibly live til say, 550 years old in the future?
She is working on a "pill" to stop or slow down the aging process.