Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria is one of the better journalists out there. He tries to find the value in all views but still takes a position in the end. He has a weekly show on CNN which is also very good which manage to catch on occasion. Only watchable thing on CNN imho. Have to go to PBS or Public Radio to find other respectable journalism.

Some controversy regarding plagiarism and Zakaria. Often see attacks like this when someone is doing good work (aka Bill Moyers). The Washington Post apologized for the inaccuracies in their story while posting the same article once again.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Voter Suppression

It makes me sick when I read about the tactics used to reduce the numbers of people eligible to vote.
Seems as though nothing is beneath some people. Why do people elect such dishonorable people? How did these people with no conscience become this way?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Microsoft's Stack Ranking System

Great article on Microsoft's supposed lost decade under Steve Ballmer.
Interesting analogies to IBM's stack ranking system which apparently can stifle creativity. Not much room for the introspective in such an environment. Think Google is taking the lead these days.