Friday, March 23, 2012

Trayvon Martin Shooting

A very interesting story on NPR regarding the shooting of a black teenager in Florida by a home protection advocate. A woman who saw her brother killed for no apparent reason put together some guidelines for her sons to follow once they reached their teenage years. Basically, if your black, don't run in your neighborhood, show self restraint when police stop you for no apparent reason, wear appropriate clothing, etc... There are many paranoid people living in fear of their fellow man for no apparent reason who also own guns.
Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law also does not help matters. It states that if you feel threatened you may use violent force to stop the perpetrator. You may even kill them. What a society we live in, so much freedom to persecute others.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free Wireless?

Article on companies offering some form of free wireless service.
FreedomPop looks the most promising since would be 4G and no apparent issues accessing thru walls but not available til this summer. Am sure the carriers will fight this as they appeared to have nuked LightSquared's efforts.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Goldman Sachs Resignation Letter

Resignation letter of an employee at Goldman Sachs.
Money is not the only corrupting force out there but is the major one.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Nano Quadrotors

Wonder what the military will do with this? Did some work related to this using Arduino processors. Had different devices communicating with each other via Bluetooth. Others got some robots working so achieving this should not have been too far removed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Evangelicals Effect on Youth

Appears the evangelicals may be driving a large percentage of young people away from religion.
I was surprised to see Catholic church officials make such a big stink about the government efforts requiring to make it mandatory for private religious entities to offer reproductive services as part of their health plans.
The Catholic church must know a majority of it's members use contraception. You see very few families these days with more than one or two children. It would also seem prudent for religious institutions to endorse the usage of contraception since the world population already far exceeds what the world can handle. More people will simply lead to more misery for everyone. I'm afraid endorsement of contraception is inevitable.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Cell Phone Jammer

This is pretty funny. Carry around a cell phone jammer to disable annoying cell phone users.
Could have used this on a hike one day. Was doing a hike in a beautiful area and this guy comes along talking on his cell phone very loudly for the duration of my hike back down the trail. Could hear him the entire way. Funny how some people show virtually no consideration for others. These are supposedly illegal to use. Can just say you need one for home.