Saturday, December 10, 2022

US / North Korea Comparison

From comment on moonofalabama:

If the US emulated North Korea, there would not be mass unemployment, tent cities full of homeless people or a population with a serious drug problem.

There would be no mafia or open gang wars in the streets or an attempt to normalize pedophilia in society.

There would be no privatized prison system that locked up citizens for petty crimes just to exploit their cheap labor.

No one would be forced to pick food out of a trash can or to take a shit in the streets.

No one would be afraid of regular school massacres with masses of slaughtered children, and no one would be forced to live without health care or social security.

Military personnel would not routinely commit suicide because they know that they are plundering resources and killing millions of innocent people under the pretext of lies.

And citizens would not secretly feel ashamed of their country, knowing they live in a far worse prison state than North Korea will ever be.

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